Portal flower who gave me the term “akashka” within my womb. to honour the timeless from me to you

My own indigenous ancestors as well as my cosmic uprootedness ( characteristic of most seeds unless claimed) allow for an in depth understanding of cosmic and gaya infused shamanic practices that flow through me. I was taught not to label regardless of my privelaged “intelectual” education so as not to block true wisdom.

This way i let it stream through me in honouring of this as is.

Who is akashka?

A time feeling soul health specialist. 

Purpose : The reconnection to soul, the honouring of essence of soul : All soul truth that should be integrated to honour the seed, the true you. 

When the angelic warrior guides are with me i am called to revindicate the sacred and advocate zealously for you in being reclaimed in truth. This is especially so for the femenine & starseeds. In specific cirumstances to unions.

As a starseed, being in contact with truth from higher dimensions are part of me. Through Gaya i enable transformative journeys. I literally hear gaya as i hear my guides as tangibly as i will hear you. Through gifts that form part of my seed cosmic journeying is pillared for you too.

Personally I have received many gazes upon who I am  : Mother, starseed, Seer, mentor, galactic channel, artist … It is after over a decade of practicing health psychology internationally in trauma and educational settings with women and children , that I now pronounce myself at your service as galactic medium for your souls truth. From a celular level to a cosmic level I SEE YOU and HONOUR YOU where needed. You will leave feeling moved by your own power acknowledged and your own truth felt and claimed. 

 You are a unique seed and have felt to reach out that means we will relate from and to your sense of home. We restore what matters from within. I am here to speak from home and to home.

For Akashka home lives  in the spaces of my purposeful  connected soul essence to you purposeful reconnected soul essence:

My starseed content to yours. My cosmic attunement to the restoration of yours. My truth to yours. My seen to your seen. 

the akashka Approach



We have discussed time as an aspect of Akashka, soul integrity as a messenger of what it needs and some of my “abilities”.

One of these is my being able to hear Gaya . Especially through trees; hearing their needs and the way they wish to relate to yours energetically. Clairsentience enables my attuning to gayas somatic experience & receive visions from her seed core with yearnings. i hold her hand and she mine and this in kind is how i would be there for you.

GAYA is from where i derive the pillars of my connectedness when working with you. I have used the term “reconnection” as part of my work requiring our connection to gaya, to self and to one. to one being the vessel , the be you pillar of cosmic and gaya codes in your connectedness journey as YOU.

Essentially gaya and cosmic infused truth lace my practice and lace my connectedness journey with you.

A deeper look at the magic of your Akashka journey: 

Comprehending the timelessness of Akashka is comprehending that your truth will speak to me timelessly within the investment i will describe below.

Upon the prelimiary agreement of a session via telephone/ email etc.. i will start being in service of :

a)Guide influence, messaging and even embodiment ( spirits with messages through varying channels and intensity),

b)Intense physical somatic pre coding ( I will feel the information  you are meant to know and unconsciously begin a deep healing)

c) Precise emotional relating ( i will be responding to reality as you feel it), so by the time we meet I will have traversed many a process and related with you more than I may be able to describe but you will then feel in your personal way.

This is both the cost and the blessing in my role. the truth is multilayered and expressed from the moment an INTENTION is agreed upon. hence your will being a key to this. i will be honouring, deciphering, relating… connecting essentially.

There is a “ anything can happen” energy upon our meet that is unavoidable regardless of the ferocity of your intention.

Akashka expressed as a time feeling soul specialist is in terms of the duty in TRUE reconnection.

As mentioned, I have been trained by my galactic guides and energetical surgery mediumship to remove core codes of suffering. Yet the way we relate to them is key. Unlocking our connected/ disconnected relating patterns is EVERYTHING. This is one of akashkas main narratives. I see and hold the codes up to your true self and your soul informs on what you activate , deactivate and renew in the way you relate to your being and your conscious intent. I have witnessed miracles . There is no other way of describing this privilege . Removing the control we have normalized over our souls and claiming back our command over ourself enables a life that is REAL. Less illusions, less distortions… A new perspective on normalized “suffering” for seeds.

The session can take the form that it requires for the souls emission of truth.

I see and enact the medium role in translation of codes deriving from cosmic downloads. The soul , specifically your stellar core, will tell me truths relating to your origins, your inner home and the energetically realities of the home you keep, your bonds, your deep rooted purpose and wishes… to name a few examples. In essence whatever I place my “eye” upon is what is honored. then when honoured we can activate star agenda as well as learn what your core signature is timelessly as i channel interdimensionally. We cover interdimensional, temporal( also known as past future life perspectives), soul bonds , soul gifts, integratively with the goal of RECONNECTION.

Reconnection requires absolute Soul health . The latter depends on conscious reconnection to what matters , the coherent expression and experience of souls truth here and now in order to be here knowing what is sacred , protecting what is sacred and living from what is sacred without ANY interference, distorsion, confusion getting in your way. in caring for your soul health you are caring for what is usually unseen and at the base of most issues experienced with the self.

My guides appear daily , multiple times a day in fact, since i was 11, to inform me of procedures, codes, reality details, gaya needs, cosmic needs. I am asked for help on many planes. Mostly this work enables a sacred relating with invisible truths. Their support gives me the tools to fight for a very particular kind of justice.. I care for the invisible suffering and the invisible injustice to be revealed to each soul so as to foster room for what is to be claimed and celebrated. 

Let´s recover the wholeness , the memory and mission of your already enlightened essence