What it means to speak of soul wounds and activism or justice for the soul:

The unseen is what happens to the soul as a result of wounds done to the mind of the consciousness. Each wound to the general consciousness is then particularized by person. Each individual responds in such way that they disconnect from the soul as this is the systemic command . The disconnect then disavows you from mission , gifts and origin. This is especially harmful for starseed consciousness. Star seeds have come to offer themselves to the consciousness of gaya yet upon arriving are scrambled , some even from pre-birth. Whilst polarity is a choice in frequency and once ca resiliently surmount 3d inprisonments of the mind and soul, that which has been hurt, distorted, manipulated and siphoned ought to be returned in whole. YOU deserve to be whole. As a seed you deserve to be here for you and for gaya in a way that you feel who you are from your “be you code”

What I mean by akashka mediumship:

As i am in tune with galactic beings I am in tune with galactic mediumship. This has been slowly revealing itself to me and is still unravelling with every soul I meet. rather than being a conduit for information in one particular moment for a specific service . I am in reality in service 24/7. That means voices are running through me 24/7, processes are accessed by my galactic “antenna” 24/7 etc… so if I schedule a moment with you I will be in service of your truth somatically, psychologically, energetically and emotionally until I see you, through our appointment and until we close. Honouring the process and ritualising the process helps us both as well as being receptive and welcoming to ones responsibility to want to be in ones truth above all other distorsion. 


Seeing in the ways akashka is referred to is in honouring truth. How so? I see beyond the blocks, the tarnished hurt defense mechanisms of the mind, beyond the grit that has taken place where it ought not and SEE you. i see your star seed content, mission, code. i see the restoration you most wish for. i see and then where my gaze rests I see how to create an alternate reality for your being that honours the sacred within you. 


This is a huge part of akashka and the integral center space to which I am devoted to. This is impossible to explain in one way . As you are , as is the femenine, as is the mother, the uterus, the heart, the soul, the galactic cosmic origin of the self… the be you is too multifaceted, multilayered, mysterious and truthful magic. My soon to be published book will refer to this alongside all the ways I have been trained to honour it and be the activated starseed who knows who she is and what she is here for, to active your star codes and the truths around it being difficult to do so in the 3d.

What it means to talk in terms of “galactic” for akashka ?

Galactic referring to the origin of the guides i channel and our relationship being an integral part of my day to day. As a part of downloads, somatic experiences, visions, telepathy…. I am in continual contact with galactic beings. This has been a heavy responsibility as it was with me since early puberty , this particular journey and I only found out who I was at 27 mid a toxic cruel environment built to dessacrate galactic beings consciously and unconsiously. This is all too common. Predatorial soul repressing , soul wounding environments that mirror back anything but who you are. I am yet to meet a starseed who hasn´t known true and repeated cruelty. After many years of not specialising i now specalise my work to be clear about my channeling and therefore throughout the process we can activate and know your way of being in touch with yourself, your guides and your truth. When one is aware of who one is in the cosmos one can then take a huge step in alleviating a disconnect that has or would have been forever blocking you from soul and soul content.