ULTIMATE RELATIONAL DEFENSE MECHANISM and impediment personal freedom

Claiming the femenine , claiming seed wisdom… all contribute to ultimate freedom. Akashka is passionate about this type of project.

I once channeled aspects of the matrix consciousness within depths of fear i struggle to fully bring forth. the fear was so that when i took on a being within their pod / prison linking them to their continual avalanche of death like energy approaching, with no feeling control… i was frozen in every way.

Terror unlike anything i had intergrated before. what was offered as a paliative “fix” a self soothing linking to toxic love memories as if they were memories of a happier time that could stave the fear away. the fear created programs of co-dependance reinforcing the internal requirement for toxic love. the violence and sick attachment within it were proportionally linked to the fear expressed in joined SNC surrounding gaya.

As the symbol below conveyed whilst channeling: Toxic love appeared as a hard wired program impeding natural flexibility of growth from seed potential to seed expression . it divides self from roots into conflict/ perspective diving sense of self, altering base, biochemistry , ultimately disabling a truthful gaze at self as part of life ( especially within the rightful claiming of present and future) anchoring a continual anxiety to past inviting stagnation and fear.

( more of this in upcoming book published 2024 for Starseed wisdom and soul advocacy)

true solution?

choosing transcendance over toxic love “survival” mode

Allowing for death not to be a threat but a transformative right, the butterfly frequency offered itself to a dear friend and seed recently explaining they were the only ones remaining in true hope for the elevation of mankind. The offered perspective was that if transformation , at this point, wasn´t selected they would forever remain at the frequency of fear most feared. when guides appear their meaning is complex, multilayered and coded so as the truth remain protected. this was the layer we tapped into yet the transformation frequency may speak to each seed differently much like liberation is a different feeling for each.

our collective addiction to toxic love dynamics could account for much of our fear in connectedness as ultimate transformative quality

we may even subconsiously be programmed to fear the light of our origins, the light linked to our restoration making it difficult to disintguish the true power of elevating above fear.

truth to be interiorised

a seed need not enlighten self but remember to connect to already enlightened essence.

Relational enlightenment is key yet the afore mentioned channeling informs on the impediment of such a relational healing from enacting divine enlightened will. if relationships are used to seed ill then believe one can truly be oneself in a society that is non threatening is felt consciously or unconsciously as impossible. peace can be felt as illusory. Knowing who you are as a seed and the role relational manipulations have played in your development will set you free


reach out and lets start your journey of freedom

Your relationships are directly linked to possibility starting with the one with your own self love as your own energetical abundance


new wave : gold, emerald...